Rules Image


  • The speed limit is five knots in the harbour and fairway area. Care must be taken to navigate the harbor area, especially near the moorings of small vessels.
  • It is forbidden to play loud music and other sounds that may disturb the customers of the harbour.
  • Fishermen are prohibited from angling and setting nets in an area that may disturbt other harbour users.
  • No vessel may discharge garbage, waste water or pollutants in the harbour area.
  • After mooring register your vessel in the office as soon as possible to make sure that this berth is ready for use and the berth is suitable for the vessel.


  • The berth charge for catamarans and other large watercraft is 1.5 times the price indicated in the price list.
  • The berth charge for guests includes berthing place, fresh water, use of toilet, use of shower and reception of sorted waste.
  • The berth charge does not include the fee for electricity consumption.
  • A standing time of more than 5 hours is considered a day.
  • The watercraft season fee does not include vehicle and/or trailer parking in the port territory.
  • As a rule, watercraft up to 5 m long and with up to 15 hp engine power are stored in the shore area or in sheds. Storage at the berthing place is only possible if there are free berths in agreement with the port manager and for a season fee of 50 euros (includes VAT 20%), while the fee does not include fresh water, electricity and use of shower. If the owner of the watercraft wishes to ensure the fixed berthing place for the entire season, the discount will not be applied, and the fee will be calculated on the basis of the price list (watercraft up to 5.99 m).
  • Landing of watercraft is only allowed in the shore area indicated in the Port Rules.
  • The season is considered to be the navigation period of the calendar year from May 1 to October 31. Storage of watercraft in the port water area outside of season is only possible by agreement with the port manager.
Distance Image
Please select two ports
Distance Table Image
X 37 28 X X 82 77 75 68 66 66 33 9 29 34 36 93
37 X 4 X X 86 69 69 104 102 102 69 46 66 70 72 726
28 4 X X X 90 73 73 108 106 106 73 49 69 74 76 729
X X X X 5 X X X X X X X X X X X X
X X X 5 X X X X X X X X X X X X X
82 86 90 X X X 37 34 35 41 41 50 77 72 70 74 129
77 69 73 X X 37 X 5 55 54 54 45 72 67 66 69 124
75 69 73 X X 34 5 X 53 51 51 42 70 65 63 66 122
68 104 108 X X 35 55 53 X 7 7 36 72 58 56 60 115
66 102 106 X X 41 54 51 7 X 1 34 61 56 54 58 113
66 102 106 X X 41 54 51 7 1 X 34 61 56 45 58 113
33 69 73 X X 50 45 42 36 34 34 X 28 24 22 25 80
9 46 49 X X 77 72 70 72 61 61 28 X 26 30 32 89
29 66 69 X X 72 67 65 58 56 56 24 26 X 12 14 68
34 70 74 X X 70 66 63 56 54 54 22 30 12 X 5 60
36 72 76 X X 74 69 66 60 58 58 25 32 14 5 X 60
92 126 129 X X 129 124 122 115 113 113 80 89 68 60 60 X

58°13’19.20”N 24°07’31.20”E

Manija marina

Channel 14
Tel +372 5688 4443
Services Image Services
Pricelist Image Pricelist
Distances Image Distances
Rules Image Rules
Depth 2,5m
Max. LOA 18m
Max. width 5m
Number of berths 5
Services Image
Service Image
Power supply


Distance Image
Please select destination port
Distance Table Image
Rules Image


  1. Watercraft users must follow the requirements stated in the port rules and practice good seamanship.
  2. We would be very grateful if our guests pay special attention to the following:
  • Move carefully in the harbor waters at a minimum speed, do not create waves and be attentive to other watercraft.
  • Do not play loud music in the harbor or disturb other harbor visitors in any way.
  • Keep the harbor clean and dispose of trash in designated containers.
  • Do not fish from the harbor docks, using neither fishing rods nor nets.
  • The harbor waters are not suitable for swimming.
  • In case of unregistered docking, contact the harbor office to ensure that the mooring location is correct and suitable for the watercraft.
  • Captains ensure that the watercraft is safely docked in the harbor in any weather conditions and consider that the watercraft owner is fully responsible for any damage caused to the harbor or other watercrafts due to the breaking of mooring lines as a result of weather conditions.


  • The berth charge for catamarans and other large watercraft is 1.5 times the price indicated in the price list.
  • The berth charge for guests includes berthing place, fresh water, use of toilet, use of shower and reception of sorted waste.
  • The berth charge does not include the fee for electricity consumption.
  • A standing time of more than 5 hours is considered a day.
  • The watercraft season fee does not include vehicle and/or trailer parking in the port territory.
  • As a rule, watercraft up to 5 m long and with up to 15 hp engine power are stored in the shore area or in sheds. Storage at the berthing place is only possible if there are free berths in agreement with the port manager and for a season fee of 50 euros (includes VAT 20%), while the fee does not include fresh water, electricity and use of shower. If the owner of the watercraft wishes to ensure the fixed berthing place for the entire season, the discount will not be applied, and the fee will be calculated on the basis of the price list (watercraft up to 5.99 m).
  • Landing of watercraft is only allowed in the shore area indicated in the Port Rules.
  • The season is considered to be the navigation period of the calendar year from May 1 to October 31. Storage of watercraft in the port water area outside of season is only possible by agreement with the port manager.
Price List Image
Quay fee
  • The berth charge for catamarans and other large watercraft is 1.5 times the price indicated in the price list.
  • The berth charge for guests includes:
    • berthing place,
    • fresh water,
    • use of toilet,
    • use of shower,
    • reception of sorted waste.
  • The berth charge does not include the fee for electricity consumption.
  • A standing time of more than 5 hours is considered a day.
Permanent Base
LOA 5h daytime 24h month season
30 min (ex Naissaare) free
< 5,99 m 11 € 20 € 130 € 230 €
6,00 - 7,99 m 13 € 25 € 175 € 330 €
8,00 - 9,99 m 15 € 30 € 220 € 450 €
10,00 - 12,99 m 20 € 35 € 290 € 580 €
13,00 - 23,99 m 25 € 3,50 €/m 30 €/m 60 €/m
Landing of the personal watercraft or water scooter (no extra services) 5 € 5 € 60 €
Cheeper mooring
Discount Card Icon
Seasonal card

Use the seasonal discount card valid in SL Marinas ports!

Discount Card Image
Seasonal Card
LOA season
< 5,99 m 350 €
6,00 - 7,99 m 490 €
8,00 - 9,99 m 670 €
10,00 - 12,99 m 860 €
13,00 - 23,99 m 90 €/m
Landing of the personal watercraft or water scooter (no extra services) 105 €

Access from the sea

The seaward wharf that is used by the local ferry should be unoccupied most of the time. Before entry contact the Munalaid Harbour Office for permission and instructions. Entry recommended only in daylight, good visibility, and fair weather. Sheltered only from southerly winds. Approach from Munalaid safe water buoy (58°13.02’ N; 24°04.62’ E) and follow 70.4°–250.4° to Munalaid port-hand buoy (58°13.52’ N; 24°07.18’ E). Then follow the Munalaid leading line 330.3°–150.3° astern, to the harbour.


Manija island is only 4.5 km in length and 0.5 km in width, which makes it a wonderful and secluded trip worth to take. The island is mainly covered with coastal meadows and juniper and is one of the smallest islets in Europe where there is life. By the way, Manija is one of the favorite places for bird watchers. There is regular ferry traffic to the Munalaiu harbour in the mainland. For schedules and booking check